Contact Information

Contact us...

Your address for your perfect holiday at Naturpark Lechtal

Pepi’s Suites Lechtal Apartments
Holzgau 88b
6654 Holzgau

M: +43 (0)664 88940095
M: +43 (0)699 1999 7774



...with your car

Stuttgart – Füssen – Reutte – Lechtal – NO Vignette (not requested)
München – Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Reutte – Lechtal – NO Vignette (not requested)
Lindau – Autobahn – Bregenz – Hochtannbergpass – Lechtal – Vignette is requested
Bodensee – Bundesstraße – Bregenz/Dornbin – Bregenzer Wald – Hochtannbergpass – Lechtal – NO Vignette (not requested)
Arlberg – Lech (Attention: closed in winter!) – Lechtal – NO Vignette (not requested)
ATTENTION: It is possible that the following roads/mountain roads are closed in winter:
- road between Lech and Warth
- Hahntennjoch mountain road